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Turing is an advanced AI-powered recruiting software solution that connects clients with remote engineers and other tech experts from all over the world. Its deep-vetting platform, the Talent Cloud, allows clients to hire individual talent, dedicated teams, or comprehensive technology services that can help solve complex business problems. Turing combines global reach and AI to deliver the ideal remote developers tailored to client requirements. Its platform leverages intelligent vetting, extensive matching, payments compliance, and automated on-the-job quality control to ensure that clients get the best of the best. Turing is trusted by over 400 companies worldwide for their remote engineering needs, making traditional recruiting obsolete. Developers can also benefit from Turing as they get AI-matched to high-paying U.S. tech jobs. The platform offers 20+ unique tech services across AI, cloud, and application engineering, ensuring unparalleled industry and technology knowledge globally. Turing is ideal for businesses that need an all-in-one software-first solution to any engineering problem, saving them 50+ hours of engineering team time per developer on interviewing.



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