
Background image of TurboHire

TurboHire is an advanced AI recruiting software solution that offers powerful tools for an end-to-end recruitment process to help organizations streamline their hiring process while improving the candidate experience. It provides a comprehensive toolkit for recruitment challenges, including high volume hiring, hyper-growth, candidate experience, global recruitment, global recruitment intelligence, and more. TurboHire's product comes with seven powerful modules, including outbound recruiting, AI-candidate scoring, scheduling automation, recruiting chatbot, one-way interviews, and more. Its plans come with product help, free tools, and trends to help organizations stay updated with the latest technology and trends. TurboHire provides integration with 50+ job boards and verification providers, including HRMS, single sign-on, job board, communication, candidate assessment, scheduling, video interviewing, and background verification. Additionally, TurboHire ensures its compliance with ISO 27001, GDPR, SOC 2, and EEO, making it globally compliant and deployed across countries. TurboHire has been used and trusted by more than 120 companies across 15 major industries, including large enterprises, mid-sized enterprises, and fast-growing start-ups.



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