Google Ads (AdWords) Workbook (2023): Advertising on Google Ads, YouTube, & the Display Network (2023 Marketing - Social Media, SEO, & Online Ads Books)

Background image of Google Ads (AdWords) Workbook (2023): Advertising on Google Ads, YouTube, & the Display Network (2023 Marketing - Social Media, SEO, & Online Ads Books)

This book provides a comprehensive guide to mastering Google Ads (AdWords) Advertising in 2023. It covers topics including RSAs (Responsive Search Ads), Keyword Match Types, AI-based Campaigns, the Google Search Network, the Google Display Network and Remarketing, Shopping Ads, YouTube, Metrics and Tools. It is written in a simple, plain English style and includes companion videos, worksheets and access to a free companion Marketing Almanac with hundreds of free tools. It is written by Jason McDonald, a successful practitioner of AdWords, and is used by Dr. McDonald in his courses, both online and in face-to-face workshops.


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